Carris MetropolitanaCarris Metropolitana

🐝 Open Data

We love Open Source! Here's how you can contribute to our projects.

Committed to be Open

Carris Metropolitana is deeply commited to open data. Most, if not all, of the code produced internally is published on Github. We welcome comments and PRs. We also regularly shares metrics about our bus operation. This includes big numbers (eg. transported passengers) and more detailed information (eg. data about the quality of service for each line).

Many of these numbers are provided in the API so that they can be consumed in realtime. All our public facing apps, and many of our internal tools, consume the same endpoints provided to the public, as this ensures everyone has access to the same up-to-date information while also simplifying our tech stack.

If you'd like to help shape the future of transit in Lisbon, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Our projects

Here are some of our own projects we're proud of. They are works in progress and we're a small team, so some things might be out of order. PRs are very welcome. Explore our Github for more.

Community projects πŸ’›

The following are projects that use our open data and that we find very interesting! Take a look and explore the problems they're solving.

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