Carris MetropolitanaCarris Metropolitana

Current Version (v2)

Explore the latest features and updates in our API.

What's new

This API version brings several enhancements to improve stability, data quality, and overall performance. Key updates include:

  • Improved Data Fetchers and Parsers Enhancements ensure faster data processing with zero delay between vehicle updates and API responses. The system is now more resilient to restarts and failures, ensuring reliable operation.

  • Future Schedule and Path Changes A major new feature in this version is support for future schedule and path changes. Patterns can now have multiple versions to accommodate changes in path, shape, or metadata. This introduces a breaking change from previous endpoints. Learn more about patterns ›

  • Enhanced Vehicles Endpoint The vehicles endpoint has been revamped to include static vehicle metadata, such as model, make, owner, seat count, etc. and new real-time data, including occupancy levels (when available).

These updates ensure a more robust and feature-rich API for all users.

Base URL

Use the following base URL for all API requests:

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