Carris MetropolitanaCarris Metropolitana


Places Carris Metropolitana serves.

Data sources

The data source for all endpoints in this collection is the datasets repo, where we provide georeferenced data in CSV format. Learn more about Datasets

Available facilities

The API provides the following facilities in JSON format. The facility name links to its dataset page with more information.

storesnavegante® stores where you can take care of any public transit related matter, such as buying a card, recharding, activate discounts, etc. This endpoint also returns how many people are queueing in realtime.
helpdesksAll help points for all public transit operators in amL.
schoolsAll schools in amL, georeferenced. Updated regularly.
boat_stationAll public transit boat stations in amL.
light_rail_stationsAll public transit light rail stations in amL.
subway_stationsAll public transit subway stations in amL.
train_stationsAll public transit train stations in amL.
pipsAll Carris Metropolitana public information panels and their status.
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